[PAST EVENT] Physics Colloquium - Ahana Chakraborty

February 16, 2024
4pm - 5pm
Small Hall, Room 111
300 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
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Ahana Chakraborty, Rutgers University, Title of talk: Open Quantum Systems: A new frontier of many-body physics

Abstract: The open quantum system (OQS) represents a novel platform of many-body physics, allowing a quantum system to interact with an external observer or exchange energy and particles with its environment. Understanding the non-unitary dynamics of OQS is crucial for addressing fundamental questions in statistical physics, such as thermalization, the approach to non-thermal steady states, and the generation of quantum entanglement.

An interesting realization of OQS is the ubiquitous interaction between quantum material with external electromagnetic field. In this talk, I will explore how light, whether in the form of a classical laser field or quantum light in cavities, can be employed to manipulate the properties of a quantum material, leading to the emergence of novel phases that are inaccessible in closed systems.

Furthermore, OQS offers promising applications in quantum information processing devices. By navigating the interplay between entangling unitary dynamics and disentangling measurements, we can induce novel entanglement phase transitions. I will discuss our recent findings on unique critical properties associated with entanglement phase transitions in monitored quantum circuits, along with the potential for their realization in quantum devices.

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