Showing the Colloquia, Seminars & Lectures category
The Revolutionary Educators Call for Proposals for the 2025 For 2026 conference is now open. We are seeking teachers, teacher educators, museum professionals and others to join this community of practice. Read the proposal and submit by April 18, 2025.
The Bray School Lab is pleased to announce this special Call for Proposals for the 2025 Slate Seminar, our annual conference, taking place on Friday, October 24 and Saturday, October 25, 2025, at the William & Mary School of Education.
NEW DATE! Artist, activist, and bestselling author, Katie Holten to speak on the Language of Trees and what it means to love a forest.
Dr. Rahel Fischbach will present part of her forthcoming book, Between God and History: Politics of Modern Muslim Qurʾānic Hermeneutics.
This talk explores Richard Coer de Lyon as a licit monster, examining key moments in the text and how socio-political contexts can aid interpretation. Kate Norako, Assoc. Professor at UW, specializes in late medieval literature and impact of the crusades.
The Global Research Institute presents the Research in Progress: Joshi & Karakaya-Stump
Reconfiguration of Colorings and List Colorings
In this masterclass, Dr. Johnny Finn will show how discriminatory housing policies across much of the twentieth century reverberate throughout contemporary urban life in the form of ongoing racial, economic, environmental, and health disparities.
Dr. Daniel Kaplan, Rutgers University, Title: The quantum geometric revolution in condensed matter transport
Director David Brashear will join New York Times-bestselling author Ross King for a Zoom-based conversation about his book Michelangelo and the Pope’s Ceiling.
In this lecture, Manijeh Moradian recounts the experiences of Iranian foreign students who joined a global movement against US imperialism during the 1960s and 1970s.
Iman Zaki, cultural manager, researcher, consultant, and theater maker, is the third artist of the Spring 2025 Scholarly Perspectives Series on Arts & Democracy.
Dissertation Title: "Recruitment Dynamics of Chesapeake Bay Fishes: Implications for Population Productivity"
Zachary Lockman (NYU) delivers this year's keynote address for the Tyler Lecture Series Symposium on The Global Middle East. His lecture will be followed by a performance by the Middle Eastern Music Ensemble.
“Studying Pleasure Spaces for Multiply Marginalized People” This talk will provide an initial overview of Dr. Schalk’s newest research project on the practice of pleasure activism.
Voter Engagement Information Session Co-Hosted with the City of Williamsburg Voter Registrars Office & The League of Women Voters
The competition will feature Barr Fellows, outstanding Arts & Sciences Honors seniors, who will have just five minutes to effectively explain their research and its importance to a general audience.
W&M faculty, staff, and students are invited to the AI in Business Education Summit on Friday, April 4, 9 AM - 4 PM in Miller Hall to explore the impact of AI on higher education and business. Registration is free but seating is limited, so RSVP now!
Dr. Marianna Safronova, University of Delaware & University of Maryland, Title: Quantum Technologies for New-physics Searches in the Laboratory and in Space
William E. Wallace, an internationally recognized authority on Michelangelo, will introduce scholarship from his upcoming book about the 40-year rivalry between Michelangelo and Titian.
Join us in discussing how to strike the right balance between AI’s transformative potential and human ingenuity, ensuring that we surf the AI wave rather than being swept away or left behind.
Guatemalan photographer Daniel Hernández Salazar will be the keynote and final speaker of the Spring 2025 Scholarly Perspectives Series on Arts & Democracy.
Public screening of "Choeurs Atlantiques/ Tales from the Atlantic Beyond," a documentary by Prof. Babana-Hampton (Michigan State U) on the legacies of the slave trade and slavery in the French Caribbean, mainland France, and Francophone West Africa.
The CGA is hosting its last speaker series event of the semester on April 11th. We will have three guest speakers of the LGBTQ+ community to talk about their experience in the field of GIS as LGBTQ+ individuals.
Join the Schroeder Center for Health Policy and VCU's Dr. Gabriela León-Pérez for a conversation about an academic-community partnership focused on the mental health of newcomer Latino youth in the greater Richmond area.
Prof. Babana-Hampton (Michigan State U) will be giving this year's Fauvel Lecture on "The Historical Memory of Slavery and the Slave Trade in Emancipatory Projects by Black French Caribbean Artists Today."
Dr. Rachel Hyneman, University of Arizona, Title: Probing Higgs Boson Self-Interactions at the ATLAS Experiment
Join the Judaic Studies Program for a lecture on the parallels between Jewish-Czech author Franz Kafka’s fiction and diaries with the work of acclaimed American-Canadian videogame creator Davey Wreden!
Capstone Title: "Growing and Improving: Recommendations for Chesapeake Bay SAV Watchers, a Volunteer Monitoring Program"
The Global Research Institute presents the Research in Progress: Pandey & Breydo.
Thesis Title: "Comparing York River box model performance across a multi-model assemblage"
In this talk, Professor Lior Sternfeld analyzes the place Iranian Jews claim in the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially against the backdrop of the revolution, the Iran-Iraq War, the conflict with Israel, and the Middle East more broadly.
Capstone Title: "Harboring Strength: Recognizing the Integral Role of Support Partners in Sustaining the Commercial Fishing Industry"
Join the Lemon Project as we welcome author and W&M alumna Dr. Ravynn Stringfield back to campus for a Lemon's Legacies Porch Talk. Ravynn will read selections from her work. She will sign books, and books will be available for purchase.
Capstone Title: "Cultivating a Network of Shellfish Aquaculture Research Facilities Across the United States"
Capstone Title: "Policy Guidance for Surface Water Withdrawals with Respect to American Shad Recovery in the James River"
Dissertation Title: "Natural and Anthropogenic Controls on Marsh Migration in the Chesapeake Bay"
Join the Institute for Integrative Conservation, the Muscarelle Museum of Art, and Vital Impacts for a celebration of the W&M Year of the Environment as we welcome underwater photographer, whale whisperer, and National Geographic fellow Brian Skerry.
Capstone Title: "Short Supply, Growing Demand: Identifying Challenges and Opportunities in Virginia's Native Coastal and Wetland Plant Supply Chain"
Explore connections between Michelangelo’s original project for the Tomb of Pope Julius II and his Sistine ceiling paintings, featuring 3D reconstructions of the unbuilt mausoleum.
Dissertation Title: "Reproductive and feeding ecology of Atlantic sea scallops in dense aggregations, with insights for management"
W&M 2025 Teaching & Learning Symposium