[PAST EVENT] ARII Workshop - Bridging Career Readiness Competencies and Research Experiences

September 11, 2024
12pm - 1pm
Sadler Center, Chesapeake B/C
200 Stadium Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
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  • Registration/RSVP

Come learn how to infuse career readiness competencies into research experiences for students!

Employers have told us that there are some key competencies that, when mastered, help employees excel in a broad range of careers. In this workshop, John Swaddle will lead us through an exercise in which mentors generate activities that blend career readiness competencies with student research experiences—helping to develop the research expertise of students as well as their preparedness for a broad range of careers. John will also relate what kinds of activities appear to work for the students he mentors.

RSVPs kindly requested.

Sponsored by: Applied Research and Innovation Initiative (ARII)


Candice Vinson, cmvinson@wm.edu