Craft Evening

October 29, 2024
5pm - 6pm
Monroe Hall, First Floor Common Area
226 Richmond Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Access & Features
  • Free food
  • Registration/RSVP
Monroe Hall

Did you know that research has shown that crafting, regardless of the medium you use, can bolster mood, improve self-confidence, and reduce stress overall. In addition, crafting has also shown to improve mental agility, improves both gross and fine motor movements, and also decrease cognitive decline. Who doesn't need some of that?! Come on out to Monroe Hall and bring your craft project for some camaraderie! Snacks to be served! BONUS: If you are a knitter, cross-stitcher or crocheter and need some help through a bump, there will be experts on site!

Sponsored by: Monroe Scholars


Lauri Dabbieri [[w|ldabbieri]]