[PAST EVENT] The McCormack-Reboussin Scholarship for French & Francophone Majors Deadline

October 17, 2011
Washington Hall
241 Jamestown Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
The McCormack-Reboussin scholarship is awarded on an annual basis to a rising senior (= current junior) French major at the College. It is worth a total of $12,000: up to $4,000 to support research to be conducted in a French-speaking country or region during the summer between the junior and senior years, with the remainder ($8,000 or more) to be applied toward tuition and fees for the senior year.

The research must treat an intellectually relevant topic related to the French language, to French/Francophone literature, or to the culture of a French-speaking country or region.

The scholarship recipient is subject to review by the French & Francophone Studies faculty of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures and must remain in very good academic standing during the junior year in order to remain eligible for the summer research grant and the tuition grant for the senior year. If awarded the scholarship, detailed plans for the use of the summer research grant (i.e., a detailed written proposal outlining the definitive topic, the type of research to be conducted, the projected itinerary, and the projected budget) must be prepared under the supervision of a faculty research adviser in French and submitted for the approval of the French faculty prior to the end of the spring semester of the recipient's junior year. The on-site research funded by the Mc-Cormack Reboussin Scholarship shall be conducted during the summer between the junior and senior years only and shall serve as the foundation for further study of the topic during the recipient's senior year. The tangible final result of the research has normally been an Honors Thesis, with accompanying defense.