[PAST EVENT] Distinguished Speaker: Feng Zhao, Microsoft Research Asia

September 30, 2011
McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 020
251 Jamestown Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Mobile devices are increasingly becoming one of the most ubiquitous sensing platforms for applications from health to environment and entertainment. A major challenge is to collect and process sensor data in a timely and energy efficient manner so as to provide a seamless user experience in completing tasks on the mobile.

I will describe our research in mobile sensing systems, including Naku, an energy efficient and reconfigurable data processing pipeline for mobile apps, and human activity recognition algorithms and systems including inertial sensing for indoor navigation, activity analysis leveraging community-wide sensor data, and techniques for real-time device-to-device interaction in a physical space. Our work leverages the on-device sensing, computing and communication resources as well as computing and storage resources in the cloud as needed.

Department of Computer Science