[PAST EVENT] Required DRAFT submission deadline of Theses and Dissertations for January 2016 Conferral of degrees

November 13, 2015
12:01am - 5pm
Stetson House, Room 201
232 Jamestown Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
All students must adhere to the Physical Standards for Theses and Dissertations that were revised August 13, 2015. Recent revisions include:
-Approval Page Proxy: The proxy should sign his/her name followed by "(for John Doe)."
-Students must submit one complete draft of their thesis/dissertation for a format review by the Office of Graduate Studies and Research three weeks before the deadline for submitting final copies.

Please send the draft by electronic copy to [[w|apgrad]].

Victoria Thompson Dopp, vlthompsondopp@wm.edu