Center for the Liberal Arts
[PAST EVENT] Workshop-Frame and Fine-tune Your COLL 100/150 Course
Zoom: 90-minute sessions over three days, participants will focus on key aspects of these courses, then have several independent hours to experiment and develop ideas, then reconvene to "kick the tires" with colleagues and exchange feedback.
January 12
9:00-10:30 -- Context, Concepts, Content: Frame Your COLL 100/150 Course
3:00-4:00 -- Conversation/Feedback (optional)
COLL 100/150 courses are unique in the undergraduate curriculum. Where do they fit? What expectations do they carry? How can the pieces come together in a great course you love to teach?
January 13
9:00-10:30 -- Roadmap for Meeting Course Goals: Your Syllabus
3:00-4:00 -- Conversation/Feedback (optional)
Consider the syllabus as a guiding document that explains to students how the course will unfold to meet your teaching goals.
January 14
9:00-10:30 -- Purpose, Expectations, Assessment: Your Assignments
3:00-4:00 -- Conversation/Feedback (optional)
How you construct, communicate, and integrate assignments can help meet your teaching goals. Consider how "transparent design" can clarify the purpose and value of your assignments.
Register here.
Sharon Morris; [[stmorris]]