[PAST EVENT] Industrial Software Engineering Research at ABB

December 7, 2017
McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 020
251 Jamestown Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Access & Features
  • Free food
  • Open to the public

The Industrial Software Engineering (ISE) Team at ABB Corporate Research supports ABB product development units by conceiving and investigating next-generation product features, by identifying and evaluating new or forthcoming software technologies, and by studying process deficiencies and proposing improvements. In this talk I first will provide an overview of ABB and its software products and of the ISE Team and its research process, with an emphasis on how our group functions differently than an academic research group. I then will present recent ISE research projects that span the areas of data-driven product management, visual languages for robot programming, and mining developer communications. For each project, I will discuss the overall goal, the practical challenges with realizing that goal within ABB, and the relationship of the proposed solution to both the state-of-the-practice and the state-of-the-art. I will conclude by describing ways in which interested faculty members and students can collaborate with ISE and other groups at ABB Corporate Research.

Nicholas A. Kraft is a software researcher at ABB Corporate Research in Raleigh, North Carolina. Previously, he was an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at The University of Alabama (UA). He received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Clemson University in 2007. His research interests are in software maintenance and evolution, particularly program comprehension, software repository mining, and end-user software engineering. Dr. Kraft's research at ABB and UA has been funded by grants from the NSF, DARPA, and ED. He currently serves on the editorial boards of IEEE Software and the Journal of Systems and Software (Elsevier) and on the steering committee of the IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME). He is a senior member of the ACM and the IEEE


Denys Poshyvanyk