[PAST EVENT] STLI Together We Do: Getting Started with Performance-Based Assessment

October 6, 2023
2pm - 3pm
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), 140C
100 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
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Location: Boswell Hall 140C

Date/Time: October 6, 2-3 PM

STLI invites you to join us for an in-person workshop on performance-based assessment (PBA). This workshop will provide a hands-on learning opportunity following up on STLI’s Teaching and Learning Talk (TLT) by Dr. Chris Gareis. Attending the TLT is recommended but not required. In this workshop, participants will apply the principles and guidelines of PBA and get started in generating performance-based assignments for your course.

Snacks and beverages will be available.


Pablo Yañez at pxyane@wm.edu