History Events
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[PAST EVENT] Lemon Project Spring Symposium 2015
April 10, 2015 - April 11, 2015
7:30pm - 10pm
Friday, April 10th
Bruton Heights School, Lane Auditorium
301 1st Street Williamsburg, VA
7:30pm - 10:00pm
Riding in Cars with Black People and Other Newly Dangerous Acts: A Memoir of Vanishing Whiteness
written & performed by Chad Goller-Sojourner
Followed by community discussion
Saturday, April 11th
College of William & Mary School of Education
301 Monticello Ave. Williamsburg, VA
8:30am - 9:30am Check-in and Continental Breakfast
Matoaka Room
9:30am Opening Remarks
Jody L. Allen
Introduction of Speakers
James Padilioni, American Studies Graduate Student
9:45am - 10:45am Humanizing the Dehumanized: Addressing the Afterlives of Slavery on the Public Stage
Stephen Seals, Manager, Program Development, African American and Religion Interpretation, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Hope Wright, 97 Actor/Interpreter, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
10:50am Remarks
Taylor Reveley, President
11:00am - 12:15am Panel Sessions
Transforming Death & Trauma
Matoaka Room
- Jamie Warren, They are Merely a Decaying and a Death: Slavery, Death, and the Politics of History
- Kay Wright Lewis, Did Not I Tell You There Would Be War? Transhistorical Memories of Trauma and Martyrdom after Nat Turner Insurrection
- Whitney Fields, Among the Graves: Constructing Community,
Resistance, and Freedom at the Grave
Moderator: Hannah Rosen, Assistant Professor of History & American
Studies, College of William & Mary
Slavery and the University
Dogwood A
- Alfred L. Brophy, Proslavery Thought and the Southern College Students: Student Literary Society Debates, 1835-1861
- Allen Buansi, Antebellum UNC: Training Grounds for the Sons of Slaveholders and the Fathers of Jim Crow.
- Kelley Fanto Deetz, Slavery and Shame at Jeffersons University: Institutional Honesty and Community Engagement
Moderator: Patricia Lott, Assistant Professor of English & Africana Studies, College of William & Mary
The Limits of Freedom
Classroom 1056
- Helen Gibson, Hog Stealing in Virginia's Colonial Statutes: Racially Discriminatory Seeds of Felon Disenfranchisement Sown in the Colonial Capital
- William Horne, Labor and Political Alliances among the Uprooted in Postemancipation West Feliciana Parish
Moderator: Susan A. Kern, Executive Director of Historic Campus
12:15pm - 1:00pm Lunch
1:15pm - 2:30pm Individual Presentations
Dogwood A
- Carol Hill, Burnell K. Irby, & Keith Irby, I Have Certain Constitutional Rights: The Correspondence of Cornelia Whiting Burrell, 1935 -1986
Moderator: TBA
Classroom 1056
Jacquelyn Y. McLendon, Earth Matters: Reconstructing Discriminatory Ecocriticism
Moderator: TBA
Matoaka Room
Brian Palmer & Erin Hollaway Palmer, Make the Ground Talk: An Update on the Search for the Community of Magruder
Moderator: R. Trent Vinson, Cummings Associate Professor of History
2:45pm - 3:45pm Community Discussion Continued: Remembering Never to Forget: Memorializing those workers who were enslaved and exploited by the College
3:45pm Wrap Up Matoaka Room
Leah Glenn, Lemon Project Co-Chair
7:00pm - 9:00pm The Lemon Project - Spoken Word Event
Sadler Center Lodge 1
Bruton Heights School, Lane Auditorium
301 1st Street Williamsburg, VA
7:30pm - 10:00pm
Riding in Cars with Black People and Other Newly Dangerous Acts: A Memoir of Vanishing Whiteness
written & performed by Chad Goller-Sojourner
Followed by community discussion
Saturday, April 11th
College of William & Mary School of Education
301 Monticello Ave. Williamsburg, VA
8:30am - 9:30am Check-in and Continental Breakfast
Matoaka Room
9:30am Opening Remarks
Jody L. Allen
Introduction of Speakers
James Padilioni, American Studies Graduate Student
9:45am - 10:45am Humanizing the Dehumanized: Addressing the Afterlives of Slavery on the Public Stage
Stephen Seals, Manager, Program Development, African American and Religion Interpretation, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Hope Wright, 97 Actor/Interpreter, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
10:50am Remarks
Taylor Reveley, President
11:00am - 12:15am Panel Sessions
Transforming Death & Trauma
Matoaka Room
- Jamie Warren, They are Merely a Decaying and a Death: Slavery, Death, and the Politics of History
- Kay Wright Lewis, Did Not I Tell You There Would Be War? Transhistorical Memories of Trauma and Martyrdom after Nat Turner Insurrection
- Whitney Fields, Among the Graves: Constructing Community,
Resistance, and Freedom at the Grave
Moderator: Hannah Rosen, Assistant Professor of History & American
Studies, College of William & Mary
Slavery and the University
Dogwood A
- Alfred L. Brophy, Proslavery Thought and the Southern College Students: Student Literary Society Debates, 1835-1861
- Allen Buansi, Antebellum UNC: Training Grounds for the Sons of Slaveholders and the Fathers of Jim Crow.
- Kelley Fanto Deetz, Slavery and Shame at Jeffersons University: Institutional Honesty and Community Engagement
Moderator: Patricia Lott, Assistant Professor of English & Africana Studies, College of William & Mary
The Limits of Freedom
Classroom 1056
- Helen Gibson, Hog Stealing in Virginia's Colonial Statutes: Racially Discriminatory Seeds of Felon Disenfranchisement Sown in the Colonial Capital
- William Horne, Labor and Political Alliances among the Uprooted in Postemancipation West Feliciana Parish
Moderator: Susan A. Kern, Executive Director of Historic Campus
12:15pm - 1:00pm Lunch
1:15pm - 2:30pm Individual Presentations
Dogwood A
- Carol Hill, Burnell K. Irby, & Keith Irby, I Have Certain Constitutional Rights: The Correspondence of Cornelia Whiting Burrell, 1935 -1986
Moderator: TBA
Classroom 1056
Jacquelyn Y. McLendon, Earth Matters: Reconstructing Discriminatory Ecocriticism
Moderator: TBA
Matoaka Room
Brian Palmer & Erin Hollaway Palmer, Make the Ground Talk: An Update on the Search for the Community of Magruder
Moderator: R. Trent Vinson, Cummings Associate Professor of History
2:45pm - 3:45pm Community Discussion Continued: Remembering Never to Forget: Memorializing those workers who were enslaved and exploited by the College
3:45pm Wrap Up Matoaka Room
Leah Glenn, Lemon Project Co-Chair
7:00pm - 9:00pm The Lemon Project - Spoken Word Event
Sadler Center Lodge 1