[PAST EVENT] The George Wythe Society (GWS) presents Pro Bono Volunteer Opportunities thru GRBF 

February 15, 2022
1pm - 2pm

The George Wythe Society (GWS) presents Pro Bono Volunteer Opportunities thru GRBF!

Interested in Pro Bono? Eviction issues in Richmond? Do you want to gain experience and work with local VA practitioners? Working towards your 50 Hours for the NY Bar? We’ve got an opportunity for you to do remote Pro Bono work! Join the George Wythe Society in their collaboration with the Greater Richmond Bar Foundation (GRBF) to provide support to the Greater Richmond Bar Foundation (GRBF) Eviction Diversion Program.

A virtual information session will be held on Tuesday, February 15. Attendees will learn about the program itself, open volunteer opportunities, and start making a difference!

The Zoom link for the information session is as follows:

Topic: GRBF Pro Bono - Eviction Diversion Remote Volunteering with the GWS

Time: Feb 15, 2022 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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We invite all William & Mary law students to register as volunteers:

  • Volunteers will do all their work remotely at this time.
  • Main volunteer duties include establishing contact with landlords via e-mail and obtaining relevant documents from tenants to help stop or delay evictions (client intake).
  • Volunteers can contribute as much or little time as they can! You make your schedule!

To volunteer with GRBF and start doing some Pro Bono, follow these steps:

  1. Register as a volunteer on the GRBF website (linked here!)
  2. To get yourself covered under GRBF’s practice insurance, you must then also register as a GRBF volunteer on JusticeServer (very important)!
    • Click on “+Register” button on the top ribbon of the website.
    • Fill out your information.
    • Under “Preferred Legal Service Organization” in “Other” section, select “Greater Richmond Bar Foundation.”
  3. After registering, show up at the GWS tabling event from Monday, February 7 through Tuesday, February 15 to show your registration confirmation e-mail, get cookies, and chat about how else you can serve the community at the law school and beyond!

Detailed instructions can be found here.