[PAST EVENT] Lunch with Holland & Knight Partner Tom Brooke '90

October 25, 2013
Law School, Room 141
613 S Henry St
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
SIPS is hosting Tom Brooke on October 25 in room 141 for a talk on "IP Beyond Patent Law" and a discussion of careers in IP. Mr. Brooke's practice focuses on trademark, copyright and unfair competition. As former chair of the International Trademark Association's U.S. Legislation Committee, he helped craft the Federal Anti-Cyber Piracy Act and the Federal Trademark Dilution statute. He also worked as a legislative assistant to Sen. John McCain of Arizona and Rep. Frank R. Wolf of Virginia.

Lunch Provided Room 141 12:50-2 pm

RSVP https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-2_GO4DYncLxIGrElkGgZfC3PXAnLzx8qJ_zf6Gxjbw/viewform