[PAST EVENT] Hispanic Studies Faculty - Student - Alums Reunion

October 17, 2020
1pm - 3pm
Zoom: https://cwm.zoom.us/j/92652903262

Join your old (Young Old! Very Young Old!) Hispanic Studies professors, current faculty, and current Hispanic Studies students to Catch Up on What's New in Hispanic Studies these days!


Meeting ID: 926 5290 3262

Passcode: 409502

For those of you who would like to chat immediately afterwards with individual faculty members in Zoom break-out rooms, please update to the latest Zoom version here: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362233-Upgrade-update-to-the-latest-version 

Chat rooms with individual professors:

Carla Buck: https://cwm.zoom.us/j/8029202595

Francie Cate-Arries:  https://cwm.zoom.us/meeting/95541786957

Jorge Terukina: https://cwm.zoom.us/j/5707537686

Rachel Varra & Carlos Rivera:  https://cwm.zoom.us/j/95130472318