Physics Events
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[PAST EVENT] Physics Seminar
January 23, 2013
11am - 12:30pm
JLab 12 GeV energy upgrade opens up a new window for research in hadronic physics and test of Standard Model. Decades of deep-inelastic lepton scattering (DIS) led to the discovery of quarks, provided us with the best information on the parton structure of the nucleon and some of the best tests of QCD. But the information are limited mainly to one-dimension in momentum space. A full understanding of the nucleon structure and the strong interaction requires precision information beyond one dimension. Three highly-rated semi-inclusive DIS experiments are approved using a SoLID spectrometer, which has a large acceptance and is capable of handling large luminosity. These experiments will provide data in the valance quark region with the ultimate precision on nucleon structure in 3-d momentum space. The SoLID is also an ideal spectrometer for precision parity violating DIS experiments, which provide a unique test of the Standard Model and precision information on the parton structure of the nucleon.
JLab 12 GeV energy upgrade opens up a new window for research in hadronic physics and test of Standard Model. Decades of deep-inelastic lepton scattering (DIS) led to the discovery of quarks, provided us with the best information on the parton structure of the nucleon and some of the best tests of QCD. But the information are limited mainly to one-dimension in momentum space. A full understanding of the nucleon structure and the strong interaction requires precision information beyond one dimension. Three highly-rated semi-inclusive DIS experiments are approved using a SoLID spectrometer, which has a large acceptance and is capable of handling large luminosity. These experiments will provide data in the valance quark region with the ultimate precision on nucleon structure in 3-d momentum space. The SoLID is also an ideal spectrometer for precision parity violating DIS experiments, which provide a unique test of the Standard Model and precision information on the parton structure of the nucleon.
Professon Wouter Deconinck at