[PAST EVENT] Physics Seminar

April 9, 2015
3:30pm - 4:30pm
Small Hall, Room 122
300 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
We are in the midst of an era of rapid and far-reaching advances in microscopic descriptions of nuclei. A wide array of complementary many-body methods are now becoming available to address the challenges of present and future experimental capabilities, which include a new generation of precise and reliable mass measurements, explorations to the limits of nuclear existence, and new studies of electroweak processes. Effective field theory and renormalization group methods, coupled with computational advances, are enabling precision calculations of an increasing range of nuclei and observables. I will survey these developments and the challenges they present for theoretical uncertainty quantification, accurate Hamiltonians, and the interpretation of scale and scheme dependence in structure and reactions.