[PAST EVENT] Intramural 5x5 Basketball Signups

January 21, 2013 - January 23, 2013
12pm - 6pm
Sadler Center, Lobby
200 Stadium Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Want to signup a team for Intramural 5x5 Basketball? Register during the following days/times at either the Sadler Center or Student Recreation Center:

Monday, January 21:
Noon-2:00PM at the Sadler Center Lobby
3:00-6:00PM at the Student Recreation Center Lobby

Tuesday, January 22:
Noon-2:00PM at the Sadler Center Lobby
3:00-6:00PM at the Student Recreation Center Lobby

Wednesday, January 23
Noon-2:00PM at the Sadler Center Lobby
3:00-6:00PM at the Student Recreation Center Lobby

Visit the William and Mary IMLeagues webpage to view the leagues to be offered this spring:

Team captains can pick the league at signups on a first come, first serve basis.

Team registration fees will be $30.00/team payable in cash or check Teams must pay at the registration table for those teams to be in a league.

Daniel Gardner Graduate Assistant, Intramural Sports dwgardner@email.wm.edu 757-221-3419