[PAST EVENT] Pathways: A Pre-Orientation Wilderness Adventure

May 1, 2015 - July 1, 2015
Various Locations
REGISTRATION: MAY 1st - July 1st.

William & Mary's ONLY Pre-Orientation Wilderness Adventure!

W&M Pathways is a pre-orientation program designed to provide incoming students with a unique opportunity to become integrated into the William & Mary Community through individualized outdoor experiences. Regardless of previous experience, participants can choose a variety of outdoor activities in which to take part. Students develop and use outdoor living skills while interacting with fellow incoming students and learning firsthand about life at W&M.


Our Trip Leaders are all current William & Mary students. They have each gone through a rigorous training program and are all certified in Wilderness First Aid. They are SUPER excited to meet you and want to welcome you to the Tribe! Come on an adventure with us!

We would love for you to join us on one of our amazing adventures!

For more information please check out the links below or contact us at pathways@wm.edu.
