[PAST EVENT] Interdisciplinary Marine Science Seminar Series

April 3, 2023
12pm - 1pm
VIMS - Watermen's Hall, McHugh Auditorium or Via Zoom - Click "More Information" for Link
1375 Greate Road
Gloucester Point, VA 23062Map this location

This semester's departmental seminar series will be hosted in a hybrid fashion. All seminars will be presented in-person, however, attendees have the option to connect remotely via Zoom. Click on the "More Information" button to connect - use the zoom meeting password when prompted: MSCI515A

Chris Groff introduces:

"Benthic foraging features stimulate change in local community structure" presented by Mickie Edwards, VIMS

"Evaluations of temporal and spatial trends of western Long Island Sound’s phytoplankton assemblages" presented by Zabdiel Roldan Ayala, VIMS

"Spatial variability in zooplankton-mediated carbon export in the Western Antarctic Peninsula" presented by Maya Thomas, VIMS


Marjy Friedrichs at (804) 684-7695