[PAST EVENT] Defense Seminar - Robert E. Isdell (Ph.D.)

June 18, 2018
1pm - 2pm
VIMS - Davis Hall, Owens Bryant Board Room
7539 Spencer Road
Gloucester Point, VA 23062Map this location

Please mark your calendars and plan to join other members of the College community for the following event:

Seminar/Defense for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Marine Science by:

Robert E. Isdell
Ph.D. Candidate in Biological Sciences
Co-Advisors: Donna Bilkovic & Carl Hershner

Dissertation Title:
"Shifting Patterns of Ribbed Mussel Distribution and Ecosystem Services in Response to Sea Level Rise"


[[v|hay, Jennifer Hay]], Registrar & Assistant to the Associate Dean of Academic Studies, 804-684-7106