VIMS Internal Events
This calendar presented by
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
[PAST EVENT] Fisheries Science Seminar Series
February 6, 2019
12pm - 1pm
VIMS - Watermen's Hall, Classroom AB1375 Greate Road
Gloucester Point, VA 23062Map this location
Jackson Martinez introduces:
"Spatio-temporal trends in private oyster lease use and productivity in the lower Chesapeake Bay" by Jennifer Beckensteiner, VIMS (Co-Advised by Andrew Scheld and David Kaplan)
"Identifying commonality among species distributions to form species complexes using a multivariate spatial factor analysis" by Kristen Omori (Advised by John Hoenig)
[[v|mfabrizio, Mary Fabrizio]] at (804) 684-7308