W&M Featured Events
This calendar presented by
William & Mary
[PAST EVENT] Washington, D.C. and NOVA Alumni Reception
June 6, 2018
6pm - 8pm
Location not specifiedWe invite alumni in the Washington DC & NOVA areas to join us for back-to-back alumni receptions on June 6 & 7. Come to one or come to both! June 6 will be at Holland & Knight (1650 Tysons Blvd, Suite 1700, Tysons, VA) and we will keep you posted on our June 7 location. Both events will take place from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM and we will send invitations shortly. For more information contact the Office of Development & Alumni Affairs at [[lsdevl]].
Morgan Hutter at [[mlhutter]] or (757) 221-3796