W&M Featured Events
[PAST EVENT] Banner 9 Practice Session
Have questions about Banner 9? Stop by Jones Hall and work one-on-one with a Banner 9 project manager from W&M IT. Come anytime during the time window and stay as little or as long as you like.
Full details:
In preparation for the retirement of Banner 8 on October 12th, Information Technology has made Banner 9 concurrently available since June 1st to give users adequate time to familiarize themselves with the new interface.
In support of the transition from 8 to 9 Information Technology is hosting several open lab sessions in Jones 203; these sessions are informal, open door (no signup required), and as short or long as you'd like them to be.
Lab sessions will be hosted by the Banner 9 Project Managers; we encourage you to stop by and ask questions, gain seat time, and ease any concerns you may have with the move to Banner 9.