[PAST EVENT] Blackboard/Panopto/Zoom Drop-in Help

August 28, 2018
2pm - 3pm
School of Education, Room 2031
301 Monticello Ave
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Panopto (a lecture capture platform) and Zoom (a web meeting platform) are two institutionally supported technologies that you can use with Blackboard. Need help setting up Panopto or Zoom? Have questions you'd like answered? Please feel free to visit the Computer Classroom (2031) in the School of Education between 2:00pm-3:00pm on Tuesday, August 28th for drop-in assistance with Panopto or Zoom. We'll have staff on hand to assist. Come in, sit down at a computer, and get some one on one assistance Blackboard, Panopto, or Zoom.

[[adlawrence, April Lawrence]]