[PAST EVENT] Sentara Hospital Fundraiser and Volunteer Opportunity

March 13, 2019 - March 31, 2019

Williamsburg, VA 23185
Access & Features
  • Open to the public
  • Registration/RSVP

The Sentara Williamsburg Regional Medical Center is raising money this month, via their Auxiliary Center, to give free Mammogram and bone density tests for 250+ uninsured referrals per year from area clinics spending over $500,000 on this program since it’s award winning inception in 1998, free Wigs, hand-knitted Caps, Hats, Scarves and TLC for chemo patients at our Unique Boutique, and bioness L300 leg stimulaters for the Rehab Department for patients who have suffered stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury and other neurological diseases to regain gait function and increase their level of mobility.

Please assist them with their endeavors by donating to them directly:  http://www.auxiliaryswrmc.org/donate/ .

If you would like to work with their Auxiliary Center directly, here is the link for that as well: http://www.auxiliaryswrmc.org/membership/ 

Once you donate to Sentara, you must email us directly at mhoutreach@email.wm.edu stating that you donated to them, and/or applied to work for their Auxiliary Center and you must attach a screenshot of your donation transaction.  A complete record of those who donated with be give to Sentara Hospital's volunteer coordinator and Auxiliary Center representatives.  

Donations will be accepted by Sentara until March 30th.  

Hope that you'll consider donating to Sentara Hospital! 

