W&M Featured Events
[PAST EVENT] Service Saturday
various locations
Volunteer throughout the Williamsburg area as an individual or as part of a group (ex. eboard, club sport, hall, fraternity, sorority, student organization or friend group!). It is a great way to bond while volunteering and you will positively affect our community too. Our second Service Saturday is happening on October 26 and Service Activities will start at or after 9 AM. Sign up by October 21.
Available Community Service Projects for Service Saturday - October 26, 2019
- Housing Partnerships, Inc. --> tear down fencing and yard work (up to '6' volunteers 9 AM - 12 PM)
- Child Development Resources --> clean and organize a shed for toys (up to '4' volunteers 9 AM - 11 AM/12 PM)
- Habitat for Humanity ReStore --> assist with various projects throughout the store (up to '8' volunteers per shift either 10 AM - 12 PM or 1 PM - 3 PM)
Register on Tribelink Forms https://tribelink.wm.edu/submitter/form/start/346998 or email Rich Thompson at rmtho2@wm.edu
Note: Future Service Saturday will be November 9th
Rich Thompson - The Office of Community Engagement --> email [[rmtho2]]