September 5, 2012
6pm - 6:30pm
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), Room 202
100 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
The purpose of TIPS is to train designated members of your organization to be effective and responsible event managers. In order to sponsor an event with alcohol, you must have members that have undergone TIPS training. TIPS training must be attended each academic year (not calendar year).

Students must register for the session by calling the Student Activities Office at 221-3300 or by email at [[stuactivities]]. Please specify which session you will be attending.

Classes will be limited to 40 students. If you have never taken the class before, sign up for TIPS I. If you have taken the class in previous years, sign up for TIPS II.

[[stuactivities]] at 221-3300