W&M Featured Events
This calendar presented by
William & Mary
[PAST EVENT] SBA Fall Funding Presentation
September 6, 2021
1pm - 1:50pm
ZoomAccess & Features
- Open to the public
SBA will be hosting its Fall Funding Presentation for all SBA-funded organizations, plus William & Mary Law School competition teams. All student organization and competition team Treasurers/finance contacts are required to attend. Treasurers/finance contacts who are unable to attend this meeting must have another representative from their organization attend in their place. Please contact Alexa Deutsch ([[e|apdeutsch]]) with any questions or concerns. This event is open only to William & Mary faculty, staff and students. Zoom link: https://cwm.zoom.us/j/96034268335?pwd=Q2UrQTE1T0ZEMjFTZTIvSlBBTXpldz09; Meeting ID: 960 3426 8335, Passcode: 979531
Alexa Deutsch, [[e|apdeutsch]]