[PAST EVENT] The Department of Classical Studies Open House

October 9, 2021
10am - 12pm
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), Landing (front of the building)
100 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
CS Homecoming Open House
CS Homecoming Open House

Come to celebrate Homecoming 2021 with the Department of Classical Studies on Saturday, October 9, 2021 from 10:00a.m. - Noon.  We are inviting alumni, faculty, family and friends to our Open House on the landing in front of Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall).  Even if you can’t stay for the entire event, please be sure to stop by and say hello.  We would love to see you!  For planning purposes, please RSVP to Ms. Holmes ([[jrholm]]) as soon as possible.


Joyce Holmes at [[jrholm]]