[PAST EVENT] Enhancing Research Webinar

October 22, 2021
9am - 3pm
Register in Advance at https://cwm.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RzttxIeZSe-KXNMqW6319g
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President Katherine A. Rowe recently reaffirmed the strategic planning Vision 2026 ; a supporting white paper on research calls for dissolving silos, enhancing research, and increasing emphasis on broad social impacts in academic work. The Goal to Increase W&M's Reach has as its first objective to Advance Research and Scholarship of Consequence. Earlier workshops to implement this plan were held in March and April of this year. We now invite interested W&M members to attend a conference-style webinar on October 22, 2021. At this webinar, representatives from various units will describe ongoing work and near-term interests for research and scholarship in their units that will provide opportunities to enhance the interests of individual scholars and to increase and invite collaboration campus-wide. Sessions will be recorded and we will reserve a period to collect follow-on ideas, questions, and suggestions for implementation of the ideas we generate. The result will help us to better understand where the most important 5-10 year research opportunities will materialize.   Agenda    Registration