W&M Featured Events
[PAST EVENT] The Road to Zero: A Strategic Approach to Student Loan Repayment
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Student loan repayment can feel overwhelming, but you can chart a path to a debt-free future. Covering all of the essential details, including repayment plan options, consolidation, loan forgiveness and more, this workshop will provide the information and next steps you need to get you on the road to zero student debt.
Register at this link: https://accesslex-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JrUZUzxwQ9CCLF0iPvgSCA
Free, Downloadable Accompanying Guide here: https://www.accesslex.org/tools-and-resources/road-zero-strategic-approach-student-loan-repayment
AccessLex recommends students create a free Ask EDNA! account, which houses the AccessLex MAX financial platform – we will refer to it during the session and webinar attendees can earn an entry into our scholarship drawings.