W&M Featured Events
This calendar presented by
William & Mary
[PAST EVENT] International Careers Panel
October 27, 2021
1pm - 2pm
ZoomCLSS and OCS are proud to present the International Careers Panel in a digital format this year. This panel is designed to help students who are curious about a career in international law to learn about what exactly such a career looks like. Four William & Mary alumni will discuss their time in law school, their summer/externship experiences, and the steps that they took to find positions in the international field. For students who are interested in international law and want to learn more about what a career in international law is should attend the panel and take advantage of the opportunity to speak to working professionals firsthand.
Zoom Link: https://cwm.zoom.us/j/95873042663?pwd=Z2JQQzlyVTNjUk5MQ2FKY2R6SjhaZz09