W&M Featured Events
[PAST EVENT] 12th Annual Lemon Project Symposium Panel 7. Highland’s Council of Descendant Advisors' Roundtable
School of Education, In person at Holly Room and Virtual over Zoom301 Monticello Ave
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
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Panel 7. Roundtable with Highland’s Council of Descendant Advisors
12th Annual Lemon Project Spring Symposium
To join us in person, please register here.
To join us virtually, please register here.
Moderator: Dr. Sara Bon-Harper, William & Mary's Highland
George Monroe, Jr
Francis W. Scott, Jr
Jennifer Stacy
Rakeem Walker
This roundtable discussion will address the overall symposium theme about the opportunities, future lives, and chances for marginalized Black men. Our families, relatives and friends were born in Charlottesville, Virginia and lived in the rural areas of Albemarle County, Virginia. During Jim Crow, laws and restrictions kept African Americans as a race controlled. Many of our grand uncles, aunts, and cousins migrated to Washington DC, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and other states to find sustainable occupations to support growing families. African Americans were relegated to menial jobs such as laundress, domestics, housekeepers, cooks, waiters, bell hops/bellboys, skycaps, janitors, porters, stewards, elevator operators, coal miners, teachers, servants and other laborious professions. Separate but equal was a euphemistic way of saying, “you as an African American were not the masters of your domain.” The roundtable offers perspectives from multiple generations of an extended family. Participants are also members of Highland’s Council of Descendant Advisors
[[setho2, Sarah Thomas]]