W&M Featured Events
[PAST EVENT] Scholarship on Display - Physics
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Scholarship On Display is a rotating exhibit series showcasing faculty work from academic departments at William & Mary. This installment, located in Swem Library’s lobby, features publications and research from faculty members in the Physics department.
The William & Mary Physics department consists of approximately thirty members on the instructional faculty, together with approximately fifteen additional physicists in purely research positions. Research areas in the department include atomic, molecular, and optical physics, computational physics, condensed matter physics, nuclear and hadronic physics, high energy physics, and plasma and non-linear physics. Related research areas include accelerator physics (in cooperation with Jefferson Lab and material characterization (in cooperation with NASA-Langley Research Center). The department also has strong links with the interdisciplinary Applied Science Department and Computational Science Cluster.
This exhibit highlights the dynamic and multi-faceted research and scholarship of the program’s faculty.
Camille Andrews at [[ceandrews01]]