[PAST EVENT] Finding Jobs Outside of Academia - Humanities

January 24, 2014
2:45pm - 3:45pm
Cohen Career Center, Presentation Rooms A & B
180 Stadium Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
In this event, a panel of 3 speakers will briefly describe their professional lives, challenges, recommendations, and field audience member questions.

The panelists are John H. Sprinkle Jr., (Ph.D. in Anthropology, Deputy Director at the Federal Preservation Institute), Anna Gibson Holloway (Ph.D. in History, Archer M. Huntington Chair for the Study of History and Curator of the USS Monitor Center at The Mariners Museum), and Neil Luther (M.A. in American Studies, Director of Henrico County Recreation and Parks).

While all students are welcomed, this event targets graduate students of the humanities.

[[e|hsikk, Helis Sikk (Humanities)]]