[PAST EVENT] W&M South Hampton Roads at the Norfolk Yacht and Country Club

June 23, 2024
5pm - 8pm
Norfolk Yacht & Country Club | 7001 Hampton Blvd, Norfolk, VA 23505
Access & Features
  • Registration/RSVP
outdoors, outside, people, sand, beaches, waters, children, sunset

Join W&M South Hampton Roads for a casual sunset barbecue on the river! William & Mary’s Virginia Institute for Marine Science (VIMS) will have an interactive exhibit and a craft activity for children.

Standard registration is $15, registration for Young Guarde (Classes of 2015-2024) and children ages 3-12 is $5 and the event is free for children ages 0-2. Registration includes a summer barbecue dinner with all the fixings! Drinks are pay-as-you-go. We hope to see you there!

Sponsored by: W&M Alumni Association


Alexandria Forte-Nijssen '77 | afn0818@gmail.com