[PAST EVENT] Rush Alpha Kappa Psi

September 18, 2014
7pm - 11:59pm
Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School), Room 1069
101 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Wednesday Sept 10
- Info Session

Monday Sept 15
- Donut Social

Tuesday Sept 16
- Speed Networking

Wednesday Sept 17
- Bread Ends and House Dressing

Thursday Sept 18
- Trivia Night

All events are in 1069 but {{https://www.facebook.com/events/1477617629156595/?context=create&ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming&source=49, RSVP to the FB page}} to get updates on any changes!

[[e|tckuok, Tiffany Kuok]], [[e|memullins, Mary Mullins]], [[e|eahiggins, Emily Higgins]], [[e|gatidey, Garrett Tidey]]