[PAST EVENT] Edcamp William & Mary

January 23, 2015
10am - 2pm
School of Education
301 Monticello Ave
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Edcamp William & Mary is an (un)conference about any and all aspects of pedagogy, with an emphasis on teaching with technology. Some of the topics offered may include:

Techniques & Strategies for the Flipped Classroom, Create an Infograph Assignment, Creative Ways to Engage Students in Blackboard, Open Educational Resources, What You Need to Know About Copyright, and more!

Edcamps are participant driven. You are invited to suggest a topic, to share a teaching strategy, or to simply attend, learn, and mingle. Snacks are generously provided by Information Technology and the School of Education.

Please visit {{http://edcamp.blogs.wm.edu}} to see and suggest a topic.

[[adlawrence, April Lawrence]] or [[e|jrmiller, Jamison Miller]]