[PAST EVENT] AUSA VA Colonial Chapter Professional Forum with TRADOC

June 24, 2015 - June 25, 2015
Sadler Center
200 Stadium Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
The AUSA Virginia Colonial Chapter invites you to our 33rd Annual Professional Forum on 24-25 June 2015 at the College of William & Mary's Sadler Center in Williamsburg, Virginia. Our objective is to provide a venue for chapter members and industry partners to engage with key leaders and staff from the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) in order to better understand the Army's vision to Guiding Army Future Force Development in a Complex World.

The two-day event begins with continental breakfast and registration, followed by the keynote address from CG TRADOC and a TRADOC G2 discussion of the Future Operational Environment. The forum continues with lunch and two one-hour discussion panels. Day One of the forum concludes at approximately 1500, followed by the Annual MacArthur Awards Reception and Dinner.

Day Two will open with continental breakfast and registration, followed by a planned address from the CAC CG and two discussion panels. After lunch, the forum continues with the final discussion panel and concludes with an address by the ARCIC Director. Both days will contain generous networking breaks for professional interaction.

For more information this event, contact Brad Herndon at 757-224-0603 or virginiacolonialchapterausa@gmail.com.