[PAST EVENT] AMP Lodge 1 Comedian Raneir Pollard

January 23, 2016
Sadler Center, Lodge 1
200 Stadium Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
AMP's January Lodge 1 Comedian is Ranier Pollard!

Comedian Raneir Pollard is a rambunctious Miami native that has been a notable class clown since he could remember. As a gay youth growing up in a traditionally Baptist Caribbean family, Raneir quickly learned to find the funny in this oftentimes challenging world. His cynical views, naughty sense of humor and flair for physical comedy led him to a world of improv & sketch performance. Currently, this hot, young comedian can be seen performing all around the Los Angeles area & on the Showtime comedy special, Pride Comedy Jam!

{{https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wRdRny_2Fg8, Check him out!}}

Come out for some laughs and a good time!!