W&M Featured Events
[PAST EVENT] Conference: "Morality, Markets, and Contract Law"
The Center for the Study of Law and Markets at William & Mary Law School will hold its inaugural symposium on Friday, April 7. The event will bring together leading contract law theorists to examine the relationship between markets and the moral foundations of contract law.
Discussions will take as their starting point themes from the recently published book THE DIGNITY OF COMMERCE: MARKETS AND THE MORAL FOUNDATIONS OF CONTRACT LAW (UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS 2017) by Nathan B. Oman, the Rollins Professor of Law at William and Mary. Admission to the conference is free and all are welcome to attend. For more information, contact Kelsey Rothera at [[klrothera]] or call (757) 221-1518.
In his book, Professor Oman argues that markets are morally desirable for a variety of reasons other than their ability to efficiently allocate resources, and that contract law exists primarily to support such markets. Participants will present papers related to themes such as the moral status of markets, the normative justification of contract law, and the relationship between well-functioning markets and legal institutions.
Participants include
Aditi Bagchi
Professor of Law
Fordham University Law School
Brian Bix
Frederick W. Thomas Professor of Law and Philosophy
University of Minnesota Law School
Michelle Boardman
Associate Professor of Law
Antonin Scalia Law School
George Mason University
Curtis Bridgeman
Dean and Professor of Law
Willamette University College of Law
Miriam A. Cherry
Professor of Law and
Director, William C. Wefel Center for Employment Law
St. Louis University School of Law
G. Marcus Cole
William F. Baxter-Visa International Professor of Law
Stanford Law School
Andrew Gold
Professor of Law
DePaul University College of Law
Robert A. Hillman
Edwin H. Woodruff Professor of Law
Cornell Law School
Kimberly D. Krawiec
Kathrine Robinson Everett Professor of Law
Duke Law School
Wenhao Liu, Ph.D.
Strategic Decisions Group (SDG)
Stanford University School of Medicine
Mark L. Movsesian
Frederick A. Whitney Professor of Contract Law and
Director, Center for Law and Religion
St. John's University School of Law
The Center for the Study of Law and Markets at William & Mary Law School seeks to advance the understanding of the role of legal institutions in promoting well-functioning markets in a free society.
Kelsey Rothera, klrothera@wm.edu (or call 757-221-1518)