[PAST EVENT] A Conversation with the Docs

February 22, 2017
7pm - 8pm
Small Hall, Room 111
300 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location

   Join HCC and a unique panel of doctors this Wednesday, 2/22 at 7pm in Small 111. We look forward to an informal conversation with them about the following topics and whatever questions you bring!  

     -What are your best tips for undergrads wanting to go to medical school?

    - What is medical school like and how can we start preparing good habits now that will help us succeed as it gets more difficult?

    - How does residency work?

    - How has medicine changed since you've begun, and how do you envision the future of care?

     -What would you change about your physician journey and what were some of your most valuable experiences?

     - What is your best advice for aspiring physicians?

Come with your curiosity and questions!

