[PAST EVENT] Strategies for Transforming Student Jobs into Internship Experiences

August 15, 2024
12pm - 1pm
Access & Features
  • Registration/RSVP

Join Philip Heavilin, EdD, Director of Internships & Applied Learning in the Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement for a session that will provide strategies on how to transform your campus-based student positions into more “internship-like” experiences.

The session will cover:

• Distinctions between jobs & internships

• Characteristics of high-quality internship experiences (e.g., learning goals, mentorship, feedback, critical reflection, etc.)

• Incorporating the NACE Career Competencies into the internship experience

• Benefits of internships for both students and departments

• Overview of upcoming events and workshops to support student hiring

Please register by Thursday, August 15 at 11:00 am. The session will be recorded and shared with faculty and staff who register for the event.

Questions? Contact Philip Heavilin at [[pdheavilin]] or 757-221-5838.

Sponsored by: Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement


Questions? Contact Philip Heavilin at [[pdheavilin]] or 757-221-5838