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William & Mary
[PAST EVENT] Prospective Transfer Day Event
October 19, 2012
12:30pm - 5pm
The program is from 2:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Prior to the program's start, those interested in eating lunch with a Transfer Student Ambassador can do so at 12:30. Lunch may be on or off-campus (but within walking distance) and visitors must pay for their own lunch. Anyone wishing to take part in this optional activity must register for the event and lunch at least two weeks in advance.
If you are interested in majoring in Business, our Mason School of Business (located in the new Miller Hall) gives tours of their building on Fridays in the fall. The tour starts at 1:00 and lasts for about 30-35 minutes. Miller Hall is not a part of the Prospective Transfer Day campus tour so you may want to arrive early and take their tour. Simply meet in Miller Hall at 1:00 if interested.
If you are interested in majoring in Business, our Mason School of Business (located in the new Miller Hall) gives tours of their building on Fridays in the fall. The tour starts at 1:00 and lasts for about 30-35 minutes. Miller Hall is not a part of the Prospective Transfer Day campus tour so you may want to arrive early and take their tour. Simply meet in Miller Hall at 1:00 if interested.
[[kcbake, Kim Van Deusen]] Associate Dean of Admission 757-221-3859