[PAST EVENT] Citizen Lawyers: Week of Caring

April 1, 2017 - April 9, 2017
Law School
613 S Henry St
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location

The Week of Caring is an expansion of the Day of Caring, which is a longstanding George Wythe Society tradition that celebrates community service.

We have moved from a day-long event to a week-long effort to engage the W&M community in service projects that promote local and national public service causes. Student organizations have come together to offer service opportunities around campus. For example, the Children?s Advocacy Legal Society is raising money for autism awareness, the Crim Dell needs volunteers for the Restoration Workday, and April 1st is the 13th annual Ali?s Run, a 5K run/walk in support of the W&M Law Bone Marrow Drive!

Week of Caring participants will be tabling in the law school lobby each day for a different cause. If you would like to sign up for a service opportunity or to add your student organization to the event schedule, please contact this year?s coordinators: Sarah Spencer sespencer01@wm.edu, Katherine Blum ksblum@wm.edu, or Brett Morgan bcmorgan@wm.edu.