Saturday Morning Physics: "LIGO: Laser Detection of Ripples in Space" (Prof. Eugeniy Mikhailov)
Saturday, May 25
11am - 12pm
Small Hall, Room 111
Albert Einstein predicted gravitational waves, but they have not yet been observed. Prof. Mikhailov will discuss possible ways to detect gravitational waves, in particular the Laser Interferometry Gravitational Wave Observatory.

    Ongoing Events

    Chinese Classes in Summer 2013
    Thursday, March 21 - Tuesday, May 28
    Location not specified
    Elementary and intermediate level Chinese classes will be offered in the summer of 2013! Registration is already started.
    The Inevitable Present: Integration at William & Mary
    Monday, February 4 - Tuesday, August 13
    Swem Library, Marshall Gallery (1st floor Rotunda) and Read & Relax area
    Integration at William & Mary was not achieved simply with the acceptance of the first students of color; instead it has been a decades-long process. A new exhibit at Swem Library traces the admission of some of the first W&M African American students.