Saturday Morning Physics: "The Power of the Abstract" (Prof. Giovanni Vignale, U Missouri)
Saturday, May 4
11am - 12pm
Small Hall, Room 111
The final goal of theoretical physics is not the explanation of observed facts, but the weaving of those facts into a convincing and memorable narrative. This talk will expose some of the basic tools used: limits, mapping, and "effective theories."

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    Ongoing Events

    Collective: Studio Art Majors Exhibition
    Wednesday, May 1 - Sunday, May 12
    10am - 5pm
    Andrews Hall, Andrews Gallery and Foyer
    Andrews Gallery and the Department of Art & Art History presents: Collective: the Studio Art Majors Exhibition May 1 - 12, 2013 All are welcome to attend the reception: Fri, May 3 from 6 - 8pm at Andrews Gallery.
    Chinese Classes in Summer 2013
    Thursday, March 21 - Tuesday, May 28
    Location not specified
    Elementary and intermediate level Chinese classes will be offered in the summer of 2013! Registration is already started.
    The Inevitable Present: Integration at William & Mary
    Monday, February 4 - Tuesday, August 13
    Swem Library, Marshall Gallery (1st floor Rotunda) and Read & Relax area
    Integration at William & Mary was not achieved simply with the acceptance of the first students of color; instead it has been a decades-long process. A new exhibit at Swem Library traces the admission of some of the first W&M African American students.