Computer Science Events
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Computer Science
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Friday, October 2
All day
Stetson House
A&S Graduate students are encouraged to apply for support [maximum of $300] from the Office of Graduate Studies and Research (OGSR) that will allow them to collect data at museums or archives, conduct research, and travel to field work sites.
eLearning Workshop - "Integrating Multimedia into your Courses: Using Online Collections"
Friday, October 2
12pm - 1pm
Swem Library, Cox Classroom
Paul Showalter will present on incorporating multimedia resources from Swem Library's amazing databases and collections into your courses.
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Ongoing Events
2015 Summer Research Showcase
Monday, September 28 - Friday, October 2
2pm - 5pm
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201
Come support undergraduate research at William & Mary! This week-long event showcases research projects by students who received summer funding from the Roy R. Charles Center for Academic Excellence. All are welcome to attend!