[PAST EVENT] eLearning Workshop - "Integrating Multimedia into your Courses: Using Online Collections"

October 2, 2015
12pm - 1pm
Swem Library, Cox Classroom
400 Landrum Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
One common misconception about Swem's databases is that they're just giant collections of text. I would like this workshop to dispel that myth by covering the variety of media that can be found in databases and the ways to easily deploy that multimedia outside of the databases via direct links to content. We'll cover text as well, but also our major database sources for stats, images, sounds, and video. I'll show you how to get permanent links to those resources and how they can be used and shared through various means, such as email, Google Drive, and Blackboard.

Beverages and light snacks will be provided.

Please RVSP for the event with the link below (more information).

Paul Showalter (Presenter)

Coordinator of Library Instruction and Assessment

Swem Library
