WMCI Distinguished Scholar Lecture by Frank Samolis: U.S. and China Trade War
Thursday, October 29
12:50pm - 2:20pm
Location not specified

The W&M Confucius Institute and Law School are honored to host Frank R. Samolis through Zoom for a virtual lecture on U.S. and China trade relations as of 2020.


Ongoing Events

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Voting in 2020 Lunch Series
Wednesday, October 7 - Wednesday, November 4
1pm - 1:50pm
Law School, Zoom

The student Election Law Society is hosting five events in their Voting in 2020 Lunch Series.

AMES Colloquium Series - Fall 2020
Friday, September 11 - Friday, November 6
3pm - 4pm

This semester we feature five lectures by AMES fabulous faculty, each of whom volunteered to offer a view into their current projects or recently published research.